Swedish Massage (75min)

880.000 Đ++


The difference with regular massage is that Swedish massage is much gentler, mainly using massage, squeezing and patting techniques, suitable for people who can’t stand pain. This is a muscle-swiping massage that mainly focuses on the back area to eliminate muscle tension and help soothe and relieve pain. Often used with essential oils to relax the mind and increase the effectiveness of massage.

Service introduction

The difference with regular massage is that Swedish massage is much gentler, mainly using massage, squeezing and patting techniques, suitable for people who can’t stand pain. This is a muscle-swiping massage that mainly focuses on the back area to eliminate muscle tension and help soothe and relieve pain. Often used with essential oils to relax the mind and increase the effectiveness of massage.

Uses of Swedish body massage:

Swedish Massage is a harmonious combination of essential oil energy and skillful massage techniques, helping to dispel fatigue, giving you the most wonderful relaxing moment. The other uses:

  • Beautify the skin, restore health, strengthen the immune system, increase resistance
  • Relieve muscle tension, muscle contraction, reduce muscle fatigue
  • Good effect for headaches, back pain
  • Eliminate, prevent toxins in the body
  • Increase the flow of white blood cells
  • Get rid of excess fat.