Traditional Thai Massage (60min)

660.000 Đ++


Combining the traditional art of thumb and palm pressure with yoga stretches, this ancient massage stimulates energy flow by increasing blood circulation and dispersing tension.


Service introduction

Combining the traditional art of thumb and palm pressure with yoga stretches, this ancient massage stimulates energy flow by increasing blood circulation and dispersing tension.

Thai massage for stress relief.

Thai massage is a massage method that uses body language to awaken all senses, create a feeling of refreshment, relieve stress and improve blood circulation, helping the body relieve pressure from physical to mental.  Gentle body massage movements help to reducing muscle tension, dissolving fatigue, creating a feeling of maximum relaxation. Combining massage is a form of acupressure to deeply and strongly stimulate the acupuncture points to help circulate blood, open the meridians to create a feeling of complete relaxation, adding new vitality to the body.

Notes about Thai Massage:

People with many diseases, old age and weak health, pregnant women, cardiovascular disease, abnormal nerves, after drinking alcohol should not use Thai massage. Before doing the massage, you should keep your mind relaxed for the best massage.

Unlike other therapies, Thai massage can be done without undressing and without using massage oil during the procedure.